Archived educational and competitive robotics pages
BBC2's Technogames Robot olympics competition
'Wide mouthed frog' a high-jumping robot, rubber band powered
animation of the jumping action
Cyber snail, a robot snail entered optimisticaly in the legged sprint competition
Wide mouthed frog rides again. a 'dual hovercraft' self balancing bicycle
Roboteer in residence for Wales
British Council
Junk robotic masterclasses Beijing
School and LEA events
Events for schools, inspiring the next generation of Engineers
High jump frog, a cardboard version of the Technogames wide-mouthed frog
Robotic fish, a swimming fish made from polish bottles
Wiggling robots, organic movements
Walking crab , an adaption of the walking hand design for schools
Dragonfly, a solar powered flapping dragonfly
Miniature radio controlled 'robot wars' robots, the starting point for footballing robots